Griswolds Do Fredericksburg
I only got pics of the snow and they can be seen in the previous post.
Christmas 2009
We went to church on Christmas Eve, then dinner and then came home to open gifts. Riley did really good, he tore into them and was really excited about the Bumblebee costume he got. Bentley wasn't so much into opening the gifts, but enjoyed the toys once they were out. Once they were fast asleep, Santa paid them a visit. Riley got a big boy full size bed with all the trimmings, a scooter, some transformers and a GI Joe gun. Bentley got a doll, a chair that makes a sleeping bag, an outfit, a Dora backpack and more.....they both raked in the goods.
We went to Nana Margie's house on Christmas morning and had a nice time there too. Margie ALWAYS outdoes herself and we come home with our own individual toy stores. Bentley had about 25 gifts I swear. She is so much better dressed than me!!! She got like 3 pair of shoes and Lord knows how many outfits. Needless to say, we had a wonderful Christmas despite me being on what felt like my deathbed.
School Christmas Program
Her Last Supper
Here are some pics of the little angel eating her favorite (one of 3 things she actually eats) meal......chicken and mac and cheese followed by an oreo.
Happy Thanksgiving
Well, another year has passed and we have so much to be thankful for. I am so proud of my family. My children have grown so much over the last year and they are the light of my life. Riley is so smart and handsome. He has such a loving personality and loves life so much. I am so thankful for him. Bentley is my little diva. She is 17 months now and is "talking" and running around. She is all girl...she loves bracelets and shoes and tutus and purses. She is adjusting to school so well and loves to play with Riley. She idolizes him and wants to do EVERYTHING he does. They are both so sweet and such good kiddos. I have all faith that they will be good faithful christian kids. I am also thankful to have such a loving husband. Casey is a great father and a great provider for our family. I am so fortunate that I get to stay home and raise my babies.
I have also been blessed with all of the creativity that God has recentley given me with Bentley's Bows. Everyday it is something new....I have more ideas than I have time and money to invest in. He just keeps blessing me with ideas and with the confidence and patience that it takes to start a new venture on your own. I know with him being my focus, the sky is the limit and I will succeed.
We are blessed with awesome family too. We had a great Thanksgiving on both sides. While my thoughts were with my dad, I was able to enjoy the family that I do have here with me this holiday. I hope that the rest of the holiday season will be a good one.
I just know that I am thankful and blessed and I want to give God the glory for that.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
Sadie, Dozer or Bentley's Bowl?
The Pirate & the Princess
Pumpkin Carving
Dewberry Farm 2009
Busy Bee
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Bentley's First Pigtails
Feeding the Ducks
Bentley is now 15 months old and we had her check up yesterday. She weighs 23 lbs 4 oz and is 32 inches long. She is getting so big. She got 3 shots and has an ear infection and a yeast infection. Other than that, she is in good shape. She doesn't talk as much as Riley did, but she definitely has the "MOM" word down. She is slowly but surely getting used to school. We now make it most of the way down the hall before she starts screaming....baby steps :)
May The Force Be With You
Marker Fun
Also, the surgery on my knee went great. I had it Thursday at 7 am. Mom and Casey are rather worn out and have a new found respect for my job, but both have been a great help. Mom has made us dinner, gone to the grocery for us and kept the babies. I don't know what I would do without her. I am feeling much better today and have been up and around a little bit. I still have to ice my knee every other hour for an hour, but I definitely see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. I am fortunate.
New Floors
Gettin' a Little Sideways
I have some video footage of the show. I taped about 6 of DB's songs, but I will only play one. You can't really see much, but we did have good seats, my camera just wouldn't zoom while videoing. Also, I hope you cannot hear me singing, although you can hear me scream. I also will post one of BP so he doesn't get jealous. I have him singing "Then" and it was great.
Going Under the Knife AGAIN
Don't worry, I will make the Dierks concert....I may be in pain, but I will be there :)
He made "listening ears" at school last week and he wore them to Memaw's and all over the house for a couple of days. It would be nice if they worked.
He is obsessed with wearing the goggles that he got for his birthday. They are a bit big, so they encompass his whole lip as you can see. He wears these all the time. He rides his bike in them, he wears them to shoot the bad guys and he wears them in the car. Hmmmmmm....
He is very into guns and swords and shooting the bad guys right now. This is his arsenal that he created to store his guns. The oven mitt acts as a holster in case you were wondering. There is a nerf gun, a golf club (or glolf club as he puts it), a water gun and OF COURSE, the goggles.
And Miss Bentley has her own obsessions. She loves to sit in chairs, any chairs. She will just find a chair and climb in it and sit. I got this extra car seat out for mom and she thought it was a little chair made for her!!