
Happy Birthday My Man!


I cannot believe that 5 years ago you graced us with your presence.  You are such a joy to have around.  You really are the most laid back, well-mannered child that parent could ask for.  There has not been a Sunday school teacher, Preschool teacher, babysitter, family member, VBS teacher or camp counselor that doesn't say the best things about you after being around you.  From the Camper of the Week award to your teachers this year going on and on about how you need to go to kindergarten, you truly do exceed our expectations all the time. 

I love the way we can sing to each other....you learn the lyrics of every song just like me.  You can hear a song only a handful of times and you know every word.  You also memorize the lines to your movies (I did the same thing :)  You amaze me and anyone who is around you with this talent.  Your smile is amazing to me too.  I can look at you and when you smile at me, it melts my heart.

You also have such love for God and a sound biblical foundation laid for you.  You love to read the Bible at night.  And when you pray, I am awe struck.  I cannot believe you are as young as you are, praying the way you do.  You are so mature.

You love wrestling, beyblades, pokemon, swimming and playing your DS.  This birthday is so bittersweet to me....I am so excited to see what you will become and to see how good you are in school, but I cannot believe you are going to school.  You will always be my baby!!!!

Gig'em and Hook'em!!!

I love you,

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