
Healthy and Not so Healthy

Well, I can honestly say that 2011 has not been our year healthwise!!  I keep praying about all of this, and I know in my heart that all of this is happening  for a reason, but sometimes you just get overwhelmed with frustration!!!!!

Riley - between battling a bad case of the flu this year and having recurrent ear infections (3 since end of March), we decided to visit with Dr. Tuong, the ENT.  He does have constant fluid on his ears and he has recommended a second set of tubes.  In the meantime, he had a bad case of tonisilitis and a pretty bad asthma attack.  After his asthma attack at 3 am 2 weeks ago, we took him to the pedi and he was diagnosed with asthma and was referred to the allergist to see if he has allergies.  (Yep, now I carry rescue inhalers and an epipen!)  We are praying that we find his allergies and control them and hopefully never have to really worry about asthma issues too much.  Also, we are hoping once he gets the tubes back in, we will have our healthy boy back.

Bentley - well, our little ball of allergies is getting better.  Now that we have identified her allergies, we are getting a handle on things.   She played with Sadie's collar one night and ended up broken out in hives (pics below).  We are also very lucky...she pretty much won't eat anything with eggs.  Last night we made her a lean pocket and didn't realize that it had eggs.  She kept saying it was hot and would not eat it.  I finally looked on the package and it had eggs.  I made her some chicken instead and she ate it.  Dr. Zambrano said that egg products probably burn her mouth!!  Isn't that amazing how she just wouldn't eat it!

These were taken with my phone and are not that good, but you can see the hives and her eye was almost swollen shut before bathtime...all from playing with Sadie's collar

Casey and Carrie - Casey has had some acid reflux issues for a while and the dr has him on Nexium and it is slowly getting better.  Now he thinks he has gout, LOL.  I am still having foot issues.  I have been to the dr and we have tried several things and now she feels like the tumor may have grown back.  I go next Thursday night for an MRI and we will see from there.  I just want my foot back to normal.  You take your feet for granted. 

All in all this is nothing compared to the struggles that some people face, but it is annoying to constantly have a sick one and a multitude of dr appts and lots of money spent on health issues.  But I am thankful that we have what we have and that we are on the mend.

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