
Update on Foot

It has been 2 weeks ago today since I had surgery.  It has been a very LONG two weeks of recovery, but I am getting better and better.  Last week, I went in for a re-bandage and they told me that if I were to keep being a good patient, then they would take my stitches out this week.  Thanks to many folks, including Casey, Mom, Elyse, and Tricia, I was able to accomplish this task.  It takes a lot to take care of 2 small ones and run a household but with the help of these folks and many others who have brought dinner and helped get the kids to and from school, we did it!! 

When I saw the Dr. yesterday, she removed the stitches (there were 10 of them).  She also went over with me how big the tumor was (bigger than she initially thought) and admitted that upon her researching soft cell sarcoma, that it is "bad news."  Praise God I am only having to face healing from foot surgery and not battling cancer.  I am so thankful for His intervention and healing in this matter.  She said everything is looking good. I cannot put weight on it for another week, so I am still sporting the hottest Franken Foot shoe. She has a pad on it and she has it wrapped. The bandages were so kind to me and left me with fungus between my toes (athletes foot) and my little toe is basically morphing into the toe next to it.  But like I said, much better than facing cancer.

When I got home last night, it felt a little odd down there, so I took a gander and whoa.....it was bleeding. Thank goodness Miss Wanna-Be-A-Surgeon was there to help. Elyse took the bandage off and we cleaned it all up and put new steri strips on and re-wrapped it. She did a great job. I still have a ways to go, but I am on my way. Here are pics from my foot surgery journey.

Week one (hard to see I know)

Last night's debacle


  1. i think i am sick!! you and reggie could have hung out together!! get better mama!

  2. Funny, my mom said my manicure looks as bad as my foot!! HAHA

  3. Anonymous13.11.10

    Ugh and on the bottom of the foot. So sorry, Carrie! Tell your momma to cut you some slack! I don't even get paint on my nails as it never stays with all the diaper changing! Hang in there!

