Hola! We made it back from Mexico without the swine flu and all in one piece. We had such a great time. The kids were great!!! Riley thought the airplane ride was super cool and watched his portable DVD player the whole trip. Bentley started to get a little restless toward the end of the flight, but all in all did great. Riley had a lot of beach and pool time and loved every minute. I have to say, I think his favorite part was the giant brownie he had after every meal :) The resort was beautiful and pretty much empty. We were 4 of the 28 guests, so it was like we had this resort to ourselves for the week. They had many great amenities for the kids like toys for the room and the beach, high chairs, strollers and baby monitors. For those of you who don't know, Bentley is a MAJOR momma's girl and really does not care for anyone outside of momma, daddy, and Memaw. She will usually warm up to a woman before a man, however, she LOVED the Mexican male hotel staff. She actually reached for them and let them carry her around....I WAS SHOCKED. So that is where we come up with Bentley Ramirez...she knows what she likes!!
8 years ago
that's great - glad you had fun!!