
Pumpkin Carving

Last Sunday we went to Clay's to celebrate Nana's birthday and then we came home and carved a pumpkin with Memaw.  Riley was really into the pumpkin carving this year.  At preschool they had showed the kids pumpkin guts and their seeds and then let them taste pumpkin filling.  I am sure this aided his curiosity.  We ended up with a cute little pumpkin and Riley and Bentley like him a lot.


Dewberry Farm 2009

WOW, another year has passed and we made our annual trip to Dewberry Farm.  I just love that place.  Melissa, Nathan and Anna and Cole joined us this year and we had fun.  Riley was so glad to see Anna and Cole (he loves his Anna).  Bentley enjoyed herself this year too.  She is really starting to interact more and play with kids more.  I am gonna do a comparison between last year and this year.  Then click on the link to see all of the pics.  There are some great ones of Riley and Anna together (boyfriend and girlfriend) and Cole and Bentley. 




Busy Bee

As many of you know, I have started my own little business over the last few weeks called Bentley's Bows.  I am doing hair bows, hats, headbands, tutus, and other stuff.  It started with the bows that I have made for Bentley.  I got so many compliments on them and I really do love to accessorize and such, so I thought and prayed about it and decided to give it a whirl.  It is very difficult to keep up with 2 kids, 2 dogs, a house and start a new gig, but I am superwoman, so I am surviving, LOL.  (My house is what is getting neglected).   Other than that, we have all been sick on and off the last month, but we are on the mend.  We are going to Dewberry Farms this weekend, so I will have some pics from that and then of course we have Halloween.  I have put some pics on here of Riley and Bentley being silly in the kitchen.  Notice, Bentley has her paci in her mouth.  SHE IS A FIEND for her paci....I dread the next 6 months when I have to attempt to take that thing away.  Riley was super easy.....Bentley, not so much.  I also have some pics of my model in my croched hats.  She is a bit moody, but she is beautiful and FREE which fits my budget.


I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Today, on the way home from school, Riley just started saying the Pledge.  I was shocked.  He said the whole thing and actually said about 95% of the words correct.  School is so good for him.  Sometimes it just blows my mind what he knows.


Bentley's First Pigtails

I have been so excited to get Bentley's hair in pigtails once it got long enough.  Today, we decided to play "beauty shop" and see if it would work.  Riley and I got her some goldfish and put her in her high chair (she HATES to have her hair fixed, hence the high chair) and started the make over.  The end result was PIGTAILS!  Momma put two of her prettiest bows she made inm her hair and tried to snap a few pictures.  Riley must be outgrowing his I-hate-to-have-my-picture-made phase as he wanted some snapshots with the pumpkins too.  Ah, the pumpkins.....Riley and Memaw decorated them in case you were wondering.


Feeding the Ducks

Today the weather was so nice, we all went for a walk down to the lake and fed the ducks. Riley rode his bike the whole way and Bentley was escourted in her wagon. Riley loved feeding the ducks and the ducks enjoyed their brunch. I wish the weather was always like this!!!

Bentley is now 15 months old and we had her check up yesterday. She weighs 23 lbs 4 oz and is 32 inches long. She is getting so big. She got 3 shots and has an ear infection and a yeast infection. Other than that, she is in good shape. She doesn't talk as much as Riley did, but she definitely has the "MOM" word down. She is slowly but surely getting used to school. We now make it most of the way down the hall before she starts screaming....baby steps :)